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BaseClientOptions: StateOptions & object

Options for creating an Tevm MemoryClient instance

Type declaration


optional readonly allowUnlimitedContractSize: boolean

Enable/disable unlimited contract size. Defaults to false.


optional readonly common: Common

The common used of the blockchain. Defaults to tevmDevnet. Required for some APIs such as getEnsAddress to work. If not specified and a fork is provided the common chainId will be fetched from the fork Highly recomended you always set this in fork mode as it will speed up client creation via not having to fetch the chain info


import { optimism } from 'tevm/chains'
import { createMemoryClient } from 'tevm'}
const client = createMemoryClient({ chain: optimism })



optional readonly customPrecompiles: CustomPrecompile[]

Custom precompiles allow you to run arbitrary JavaScript code in the EVM. See the Precompile guide documentation for a deeper dive An ever growing standard library of precompiles is provided at tevm/precompiles


Not implemented yet Implementation pr

Below example shows how to make a precompile so you can call fs.writeFile and fs.readFile in your contracts. Note: this specific precompile is also provided in the standard library

For security precompiles can only be added statically when the vm is created.


import { createMemoryClient, defineCall, definePrecompile } from 'tevm'
import { createScript } from '@tevm/contract'
import fs from 'fs/promises'
const Fs = createScript({
name: 'Fs',
humanReadableAbi: [
'function readFile(string path) returns (string)',
'function writeFile(string path, string data) returns (bool)',
const fsPrecompile = definePrecompile({
contract: Fs,
address: '0xf2f2f2f2f2f2f2f2f2f2f2f2f2f2f2f2f2f2f2f2',
call: defineCall(Fs.abi, {
readFile: async ({ args }) => {
return {
returnValue: await fs.readFile(...args, 'utf8'),
executionGasUsed: 0n,
writeFile: async ({ args }) => {
await fs.writeFile(...args)
return { returnValue: true, executionGasUsed: 0n }
const tevm = createMemoryClient({ customPrecompiles: [fsPrecompile] })
### customPredeploys?
> `optional` `readonly` **customPredeploys**: `ReadonlyArray`\<[`CustomPredeploy`](/reference/tevm/predeploys/type-aliases/custompredeploy/)\<`any`, `any`\>\>
Custom predeploys allow you to deploy arbitrary EVM bytecode to an address.
This is a convenience method and equivalent to calling tevm.setAccount() manually
to set the contract code.
const tevm = createMemoryClient({
customPredeploys: [
// can pass a `tevm Script` here as well
address: '0x420420...',
abi: [...],
deployedBytecode: '0x420420...',


optional readonly forkTransport: object

Client to make json rpc requests to a forked node


const client = createMemoryClient({ request: eip1193RequestFn })


request: EIP1193RequestFn


optional readonly loggingLevel: LogOptions["level"]

Configure logging options for the client


optional readonly miningConfig: MiningConfig

The configuration for mining. Defaults to ‘auto'

  • 'auto’ will mine a block on every transaction
  • ’interval’ will mine a block every interval milliseconds
  • ’manual’ will not mine a block automatically and requires a manual call to mineBlock


optional readonly persister: SyncStoragePersister

The memory client can optionally initialize and persist it’s state to an external source like local storage using createSyncPersister


import { createMemoryClient, createSyncPersister } from 'tevm'
const persister = createSyncPersister({
storage: {
getItem: (key: string) => localStorage.getItem(key),
setItem: (key: string, value: string) => localStorage.setItem(key, value),
const memoryClient = createMemoryClient({ persister })


optional readonly profiler: boolean

Enable profiler. Defaults to false.

